Best tool(s) for web enabled apps
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F Alvarado
2008-04-27 23:10:53 UTC
I just read the posts on "Is IntraWeb really Enterprise Class Software?"
and got all kind of doubts about what tool to use to develop web enabled
I use Delphi since version 1 and stop upgrading in version 5 because I
develop industrial applications for PCs running W2000 (Ok, maybe I was
lazy or afraid to update all my applications to new versions of Delphi
-too many scaring stories about this) The fact is almost every month I
need to make some changes, so no much time for upgrading...
Now I need to port a desktop application (Point of Sale with a
backoffice -AP, AR, Inventory, etc-) developed in D5 and Oracle to a web
enabled one. I'm not thinking of necessary using a browser but instead a
local application accessing a database (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Interbase,
etc) On the second stage, I'll be using a browser to receive orders from
remote clients, charging their credit cards and set deliver to them.
My concern is: What tool or combination of tools are the most
appropriate for this task?
Delphi/IntraWeb, Delphi/WebSnap, Delphi for PHP, CG 3rdRail, JBuilder? I
would like to go with Delphi, as always, but I'll consider several options.
I had some problems related to Indy Components some months ago, bought
support from Atozed Software and wasn't much happy with their response
(Remy Lebeau, on the other side, helped me with code snippets and real
advice. Some guy, that Remy!), I bring this only because for sure I'll
need help to master IW and there is not much out there. I hope Bob
Swart's book will fill this gap!

Best Regards

Francisco Alvarado
2008-04-28 02:57:42 UTC
Delphi/IntraWeb, Delphi/WebSnap, Delphi for PHP, CG 3rdRail, JBuilder? I would like to go with Delphi, as always, but
I'll consider several options.
What a crazy time to be a developer. Are we just supposed to throw away
20 years of Object Pascal and C++ experience which is a PROVEN STABLE CROSSX
style to learn and maintain 5 different versions of runtime environments? Flash, PHP, Curl,
Silverlight, .NET, Java, C# all this junk. All because people can't figure out how
to stream an .exe to the desktop and execute it safely? Bizarre times we live

I say resist it. Make em take your exe. It will work better... That is the approach I have
been taking until something clear emerges. I don't have a problem making people
use .exe when I show them how to deploy it. You have Network Admins pulling
down $80,000/year that don't know how to use Group Policy to put an .exe on every
desktop? Come on...

You wanna use my software via web browser? Click here http://MyCompany/myexe.exe
There ya go...

Because web apps SUCK they came up with AJAX. Because AJAX sucks they are moving
to Adobe Live (not sure on the name) or whatever, Flash or Curl.com so called Smart
Clients. I will not bank my company and my customers on UNPROVEN crap.

Sorry I am just a little disgusted with what the industry is attempting to sell...
You can see my thread in borland.public.delphi.non-technical entitled:
"Don't know the word for it but Application Server .exe client"

No wonder so many developers are losing thier way right now. New kids coming into
this profession are asking what languages to learn. Just general confusion all lead
by big marketing companies trying to push unproven toolkits.
Monte Carver
2008-04-28 04:06:36 UTC
Stich w/IW. The code will port over with little to no changes. Simply swap out desktop
objects for IW objects. We use RemObjects to perform ALL our data access. This enables
our Win32 desktop, which requires cash register, printing, scanner, etc, to use the same
access layer as the WebApp.

Then don't look back.

Monte Carver
F Alvarado
2008-04-28 14:55:24 UTC
Are you using RemObjects SDK 'Vinci' Bundle for .NET and Delphi, AnyDAC
or some other flavor?
Also do you develop for W32 or .NET?

Best Regards
Francsico Alvarado
Post by Monte Carver
Stich w/IW. The code will port over with little to no changes. Simply
swap out desktop objects for IW objects. We use RemObjects to perform
ALL our data access. This enables our Win32 desktop, which requires
cash register, printing, scanner, etc, to use the same access layer as
the WebApp.
Then don't look back.
Monte Carver
Monte Carver
2008-04-28 18:20:24 UTC
Post by F Alvarado
Are you using RemObjects SDK 'Vinci' Bundle for .NET and Delphi, AnyDAC
or some other flavor?
Also do you develop for W32 or .NET?
We are using the Vinci for Delphi, and have used RODA since version 3. It makes data
access COMPLETELY transparent to the client. Using RODA, We have successfully ran against
MS SQL Server, Oracle, Interbase, and Firebird, using various drivers including ADO, ODAC,


Monte Carver

F Alvarado
2008-04-28 14:20:23 UTC
You are right. I Can't agree more with you.
2008-04-28 12:36:49 UTC
You can not find a better web application tool than IW.
Post by F Alvarado
I just read the posts on "Is IntraWeb really Enterprise Class Software?"
and got all kind of doubts about what tool to use to develop web enabled
I use Delphi since version 1 and stop upgrading in version 5 because I
develop industrial applications for PCs running W2000 (Ok, maybe I was
lazy or afraid to update all my applications to new versions of
Delphi -too many scaring stories about this) The fact is almost every
month I need to make some changes, so no much time for upgrading...
Now I need to port a desktop application (Point of Sale with a
backoffice -AP, AR, Inventory, etc-) developed in D5 and Oracle to a web
enabled one. I'm not thinking of necessary using a browser but instead a
local application accessing a database (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Interbase,
etc) On the second stage, I'll be using a browser to receive orders from
remote clients, charging their credit cards and set deliver to them.
My concern is: What tool or combination of tools are the most appropriate
for this task?
Delphi/IntraWeb, Delphi/WebSnap, Delphi for PHP, CG 3rdRail, JBuilder? I
would like to go with Delphi, as always, but I'll consider several options.
I had some problems related to Indy Components some months ago, bought
support from Atozed Software and wasn't much happy with their response
(Remy Lebeau, on the other side, helped me with code snippets and real
advice. Some guy, that Remy!), I bring this only because for sure I'll
need help to master IW and there is not much out there. I hope Bob Swart's
book will fill this gap!
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado
2008-04-28 14:48:56 UTC
IW is the easiest and fastest way of creating Stateful Web Applications. In
any other tool state managment in applications with complex states can be
very difficult.