I need to start somewhere...
(too old to reply)
2008-07-23 16:56:36 UTC
...so I'm wondering if IW is the right place.

I'm an engineer. I'm not a computer guy, not a database guy. But I
program a lot. Delphi, C, C++: scientific desktop applications. I'm an
exe guy.

But I need to work on a project like this: Say I have a large material
property database for a large number of different materials. I only want
to have one copy of this database on a single computer. That way it can
be updated whenever.

Then, each user, from his own desktop, needs to be able to access the
database through some sort of (web) interface. Select a material from
the main database using a dropdown selector, after looking through the
database via some sort of grid control. Enter some dimensions via some
edit fields, and press a "Calculate" button which would calculate mass
properties (or whatever), and then display the answer for the user.
Maybe format the answer along with the inputs in a format that would be
"report quality" (maybe even some graphics), and have the user be able
to print/save the report.

So, could someone point me in the right direction assuming I know plenty
about desktop apps, a little about database apps, and next to nothing
about web apps? Do I have the tools in Delphi 2007 to work this
simplified problem? Would IW be a good way to go, or should I be looking
at other options? What software needs to be running on the computer with
the database? Where could I learn more about what I want to do?

Thanks for any advice.
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-23 23:15:18 UTC
I'm an engineer. I'm not a computer guy, not a database guy. But I program
a lot. Delphi, C, C++: scientific desktop applications. I'm an exe guy.
The latest builds have some install problems on C++, work arounds are on the
IntraWeb blog.

Delphi is working fine.
Maybe format the answer along with the inputs in a format that would be
"report quality" (maybe even some graphics), and have the user be able to
print/save the report.
That is a very typical scenario for IntraWeb. I don't think we have any
demos included exactly like that, but if you look at the demos you will see
similar situations.
So, could someone point me in the right direction assuming I know plenty
about desktop apps, a little about database apps, and next to nothing
about web apps? Do I have the tools in Delphi 2007 to work this simplified
problem? Would IW be a good way to go, or should I be looking
Yes, D2007 has what you need including IW. Firebird is a great open source
database I can recommend, or SQL Server etc if you are already using them.
SQL Server Express is also free and I use it a lot.
at other options? What software needs to be running on the computer with
the database? Where could I learn more about what I want to do?
Depends how you deploy, but could be as simple as just your EXE if you use a
stand alone deployment.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!
2008-07-24 03:18:00 UTC
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Post by Derek
So, could someone point me in the right direction assuming I know plenty
about desktop apps, a little about database apps, and next to nothing
about web apps? Do I have the tools in Delphi 2007 to work this simplified
problem? Would IW be a good way to go, or should I be looking
Yes, D2007 has what you need including IW. Firebird is a great open source
database I can recommend, or SQL Server etc if you are already using them.
SQL Server Express is also free and I use it a lot.
Thanks for the info. I think there's hope!

I have a license for Absolute Database (by ComponentAce) which I have
only used as an embedded db in my exe files. It appears to handle
multi-user, file-server type applications, tho I've never tried anything
like that. Should something like this work with an IW app? Or do I need
to use one of your recommendations?
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Post by Derek
at other options? What software needs to be running on the computer with
the database? Where could I learn more about what I want to do?
Depends how you deploy, but could be as simple as just your EXE if you use a
stand alone deployment.
Part of my problem? is that right now I don't know all my deployment
options. I'm assuming that if I create an IW project, after compiling
it, I'll have an exe file. Do I then just put that exe file on my
computer somewhere, and then open some browser and type in the path to
my exe? Assuming I have multiple computers in my group, does anything
special need to be done on the "host" computer - i.e. file location,
privileges, etc?

And what might some of my other deployment options be?

Thanks again.
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-28 16:51:16 UTC
I have a license for Absolute Database (by ComponentAce) which I have only
used as an embedded db in my exe files. It appears to handle multi-user,
file-server type applications, tho I've never tried anything like that.
Should something like this work with an IW app? Or do I need to use one of
your recommendations?
You can use any database that is threadable. I'm not familiar with that one.
Part of my problem? is that right now I don't know all my deployment
options. I'm assuming that if I create an IW project, after compiling it,
I'll have an exe file. Do I then just put that exe file on my computer
somewhere, and then open some browser and type in the path to my exe?
Assuming I have multiple computers in my group, does anything
Well almost. You have the concept right - its slightly different than that,
but in general you have the concept.
special need to be done on the "host" computer - i.e. file location,
privileges, etc?
Yes. But nothing out of the ordinary.
And what might some of my other deployment options be?
More complicated. :)
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!
M. Said
2008-07-24 15:45:37 UTC

What you want to do can be done using a single exe, but first, you need
to answer the following questions:

1) Does the user of your application need to update the database, or is
he/she just need to "read" the database.

2) Based on your experience, would you prefer to write an EXE and give
to the user, our would *you* like it to be a web application? (i.e. is
this a utility type application?)

2008-07-25 01:23:52 UTC
Post by M. Said
What you want to do can be done using a single exe, but first, you need
1) Does the user of your application need to update the database, or is
he/she just need to "read" the database.
This case is a simplified hypothetical, but the user would only have
read access to the database. Someone (me) would keep the database updated.
Post by M. Said
2) Based on your experience, would you prefer to write an EXE and give
to the user, our would *you* like it to be a web application? (i.e. is
this a utility type application?)
I would prefer handing out an EXE, but this application might need to be
accessed from an arbitrary computer, so I think it's going to need to be
a web application.
M. Said
2008-07-25 15:30:13 UTC
Post by Derek
This case is a simplified hypothetical, but the user would only have
read access to the database. Someone (me) would keep the database updated.
I would prefer handing out an EXE, but this application might need to be
accessed from an arbitrary computer, so I think it's going to need to be
a web application.
Well, There is nothing wrong with making it a Web Application. The only
disadvantage for a Web Application is that you need the Web part <G>.
The user must be connected to the internet/intranet to use your application.

If you choose to do this using an EXE, I would use a technology such as
WebServices (or a simple HTTPClient Object) to provide the data to the
application. This way the data can be on a central server that you can
update anytime (or in the case of an HTTPClient, it can be a static web
page. The user do need or care to know!)

You might say: Well I still have to be connected. This is correct, but
now you have an option of caching the data on the local PC. This will
give you a "disconnected" mode for the application. You could choose to
update the cache every time the user connect or based on some other

I hope this helps.
2008-07-26 01:27:39 UTC
Post by M. Said
If you choose to do this using an EXE, I would use a technology such as
WebServices (or a simple HTTPClient Object) to provide the data to the
application. This way the data can be on a central server that you can
update anytime (or in the case of an HTTPClient, it can be a static web
page. The user do need or care to know!)
You might say: Well I still have to be connected. This is correct, but
now you have an option of caching the data on the local PC. This will
give you a "disconnected" mode for the application. You could choose to
update the cache every time the user connect or based on some other
I hope this helps.
Yes it does. And it's going to help even more when I figure out just
what it is you told me :)

"WebServices" and "HTTPClient" are not in my everyday programming
vocabulary, so I'm going to do some research.

I have found some documentation resources and web sites to look at for
Intraweb info. As I've worked through the Demos, it does seem like some
really neat stuff. I'm looking forward to learning what it can do.
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-28 16:48:30 UTC
Post by Derek
"WebServices" and "HTTPClient" are not in my everyday programming
vocabulary, so I'm going to do some research.
These will take a lot of time to learn and create a more complex system.

If a simple web system will do, they are much simpler to create and
Post by Derek
I have found some documentation resources and web sites to look at for
Intraweb info. As I've worked through the Demos, it does seem like some
really neat stuff. I'm looking forward to learning what it can do.
We are working on also improving the documentation on IntraWeb.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-28 16:49:32 UTC
Post by Derek
I would prefer handing out an EXE, but this application might need to be
accessed from an arbitrary computer, so I think it's going to need to be a
web application.
With an EXE you will have local compatibility issues, dll conflicts, etc.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!
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