Duplicate Session Tracking URLs
(too old to reply)
2008-04-16 11:33:55 UTC
Surprisingly I found that under certain conditions, IW server can assign
duplicate Tracking URL to different sessions. You can reproduce this by
trying to open IW sessions as fast as possible. One easy way is to place URL
of your IW App on the desktop and Double-Click it as fast as you can. You
can see among several Tabs opened in IE some of them have duplicated URLs. I
can reproduce this on IE 7.0 but not FireFox.

if you set ShowResyncWarning:=True then you'll get this warning message as

"You have attempted to post or refresh data from a page that depends on
information that is no longer available to the server application.
Your attempted changes will be ignored. You will now be resynced to the
current place in the application."
Jason Southwell
2008-04-16 17:06:09 UTC
Post by Farshad
Surprisingly I found that under certain conditions, IW server can
assign duplicate Tracking URL to different sessions. You can reproduce
this by trying to open IW sessions as fast as possible. One easy way
Can you duplicate this across multiple machines or across different types
of browsers on the same machine?

if so, then there is a serious issue. I doubt you'll be able to but
2008-04-16 17:26:30 UTC
Post by Jason Southwell
Post by Farshad
Surprisingly I found that under certain conditions, IW server can
assign duplicate Tracking URL to different sessions. You can reproduce
this by trying to open IW sessions as fast as possible. One easy way
Can you duplicate this across multiple machines or across different types
of browsers on the same machine?
if so, then there is a serious issue. I doubt you'll be able to but
Running this test is very easy as I described in my first post.

I haven't tried this across multiple machines. In my Test IW server and
Client were on different PCs. I suspect that the internal Track Url
generator takes a value from system timer or some internal counter which
ticks a few times per second.

If you start a new session before the timer value is updated you'll get a
duplicate session. In my above test if you click on the shortcut in a
reasonable manner then things work fine. Only if you click faster than
normal then you'll get duplicate sessions. In a normal usage this may rarely
happen .

I believe that IW server should check all generated session track urls for
uniqueness before publishing them.
2008-04-16 17:33:16 UTC
Let me re-state that I can only reproduce this on IE. FireFox seems to work
fine under same conditions. It can be a IE related issue rather than a IW
Post by Jason Southwell
Can you duplicate this across multiple machines or across different types
of browsers on the same machine?
if so, then there is a serious issue. I doubt you'll be able to but
Jason Southwell
2008-04-16 17:42:02 UTC
Post by Farshad
Let me re-state that I can only reproduce this on IE. FireFox seems to
work fine under same conditions. It can be a IE related issue rather
than a IW bug.
It is probably not an IW issue at all but rather an IE Cookie handling issue.

This is why I asked if you could duplicate the problem in different browsers
on the same machine.
