MessageDlg in IntraWeb
(too old to reply)
2008-06-11 12:56:11 UTC
How can I create a MessageDlg in IntraWeb?

Similar to this method in Windows Application:
MessageDlg(Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Integer);


MessageDlg(Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons);

Bob Swart
2008-06-11 12:07:33 UTC
Hi Mohammad,
Post by Mohammad
How can I create a MessageDlg in IntraWeb?
Another quote from the IntraWeb courseware manual:

"The TIWApplication.ShowMessage method displays a message to the user ...

procedure ShowMessage(AMsg: String;
const AType: TIWShowMessageType;
ATemplate: String);

The AMsg String is the message to be displayed to the enduser in the
The message can be displayed in different ways, however, which is
controlled by the AType argument of type TIWShowMessageType, which can
be one of the following values:
- smNewWindow displays the message in a new pop-up window.
- smSameWindow displays AMsg in the same window and replaces the current
page with AMsg. Clicking OK returns to the previous window with the
previous page again.
- smSameWindowFrame works the same as smSameWindow, but in this case
AMsg is displayed in a scrollable frame on the page.
- smAlert displays a popup modal dialog to the user.

The ATemplate String allows us to specify a template to use as well. For
the format of the template see the IntraWeb Manual. If no template is
specified, IntraWeb will attempt to use the IWShowMessage.html template.
Templates are ignored when AType = smAlert or AType = smNewWindow."

Bob Swart
Bob Swart Training & Consultancy (eBob42.com) Forever Loyal to Delphi
CodeGear Technology Partner -- CodeGear RAD Studio Reseller (BeNeLux)
Delphi Win32 & .NET books on Lulu.com: http://stores.lulu.com/drbob42
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2008-06-12 12:26:30 UTC
Thanks Bob,
Is it possible to show a dialog with two buttons by this procedure?
Post by Bob Swart
Hi Mohammad,
Post by Mohammad
How can I create a MessageDlg in IntraWeb?
"The TIWApplication.ShowMessage method displays a message to the user ...
procedure ShowMessage(AMsg: String;
const AType: TIWShowMessageType;
ATemplate: String);
The AMsg String is the message to be displayed to the enduser in the
The message can be displayed in different ways, however, which is
controlled by the AType argument of type TIWShowMessageType, which can
- smNewWindow displays the message in a new pop-up window.
- smSameWindow displays AMsg in the same window and replaces the current
page with AMsg. Clicking OK returns to the previous window with the
previous page again.
- smSameWindowFrame works the same as smSameWindow, but in this case
AMsg is displayed in a scrollable frame on the page.
- smAlert displays a popup modal dialog to the user.
The ATemplate String allows us to specify a template to use as well. For
the format of the template see the IntraWeb Manual. If no template is
specified, IntraWeb will attempt to use the IWShowMessage.html template.
Templates are ignored when AType = smAlert or AType = smNewWindow."
Bob Swart
Jason Southwell
2008-06-11 15:36:15 UTC
Post by Mohammad
How can I create a MessageDlg in IntraWeb?
For advanced dialogs, you might want to check out the PopupRegion component
in the Elite Suite. It's now open source an can be found on google code at:

2008-06-12 12:39:43 UTC
Thanks Jason,
Is it compatible with IntraWeb 9.x and Delphi 2007?
Post by Jason Southwell
Post by Mohammad
How can I create a MessageDlg in IntraWeb?
For advanced dialogs, you might want to check out the PopupRegion
component in the Elite Suite. It's now open source an can be found on
Jason Southwell
2008-06-12 17:20:04 UTC
Post by Mohammad
Is it compatible with IntraWeb 9.x and Delphi 2007?
2008-06-16 10:10:29 UTC
Hi Jason,
thanks for your help, but
I have downloaded elite suite and when I was installing it on Delphi
2007, this error message raised: Failed to set data for
'EventMessageFailed' .

Can you tell me what am I doing?
Post by Mohammad
Is it compatible with IntraWeb 9.x and Delphi 2007?
Jason Southwell
2008-06-16 16:07:05 UTC
Post by Mohammad
2007, this error message raised: Failed to set data for
'EventMessageFailed' .
Can you tell me what am I doing?
That error doesn't sound like anything having to do with the elite suite,
but rather in Delphi itself. Restart Delphi and try again.

Also, you should post issues to the google group so that other iwelite users
can help.
