Post by Colin a developer, my commercial reputatioin lives and dies on my ability to
fix problems in applications that I have developed for paying customers. bug
fixes like the one stated should be FREE.
First, I've rejoined Atozed as of July 1. I'm changing a lot of things.
But since the very beginning back in 2002 or so, we cant offer free updates
on every version. If we do we have several problems:
1) Users will demand fixes to every version. i.e, 9 ix the current version.
But if a user is on 8, and there is a bug they will demand a fix to 8., and
7, and 6...
2) If we go to a version model - then users will complain each time we
chagne a major version and accuse us of changing version numbers just to get
more revenue from them.
The subscription model is designed to even budgets out, and encourage/allow
everyone to use the latest version. Renewals when renewed before or within
30 days after are at about a 45% discount. After that they are at about 25%
You can always download the latest version as a trial and see if it fixes
your bug before renewing.
Check the IW blog for more details, but currently we are working on 10,
which should be 100% interface compatible we hope with 9. Just since July 1
we've fixed a lot of back logged bugs and they will be included in 10. If we
didnt have subcription model, then users of 9 would be screaming they
couldnt get the fixes and maintaining 9 and 10 would be very wasteful of
Post by Colin KellyBug fixes and software updates are so long in coming from AtoZed that a
years subscription is never enough, it's actually cheaper in the long run to
rebuy your IW subscription only when significant upgrades are available.
subscription renewals can be discounted upto 42%. buying a *NEW*
subscription every 2 or 3 years works out significantly cheaper, IMHO.
That's certainly an option. However I think you'll see now that I'm back,
things will improve.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!