(too old to reply)
2008-03-21 12:29:19 UTC
I noticed that the IWURLWindow doesnt work in 9.0.32. It simply hangs in the
browser forever and nothing is displayed. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Jason Southwell
2008-03-21 21:16:32 UTC
Post by Farshad
I noticed that the IWURLWindow doesnt work in 9.0.32. It simply hangs
in the browser forever and nothing is displayed. Is anyone else
experiencing this?
It was fixed and should be working in IW 9.0.36+
2008-03-21 21:34:57 UTC
"Jason Southwell"
Post by Jason Southwell
It was fixed and should be working in IW 9.0.36+
I'll contact Olaf to obtain an updated version.
2008-03-28 18:13:51 UTC
Olaf has not responded back after nearly one week. He must be very busy!

Anyway, fortunately bug was in one of the source files distributed with IW
That was a missing ";" in IWHTMLControls.pas line 918 col 106
Post by Farshad
"Jason Southwell"
Post by Jason Southwell
It was fixed and should be working in IW 9.0.36+
I'll contact Olaf to obtain an updated version.
Colin Kelly
2008-07-18 11:59:30 UTC
Great, BUT, my subscription ran out on 9.0.32, until AtoZed get back up to
speed I refuse to pay for a new subscription, so I'm left with a product
that has "more bugs than a tramps vest".

...as a developer, my commercial reputatioin lives and dies on my ability to
fix problems in applications that I have developed for paying customers. bug
fixes like the one stated should be FREE.

Bug fixes and software updates are so long in coming from AtoZed that a
years subscription is never enough, it's actually cheaper in the long run to
rebuy your IW subscription only when significant upgrades are available.
subscription renewals can be discounted upto 42%. buying a *NEW*
subscription every 2 or 3 years works out significantly cheaper, IMHO.
Post by Jason Southwell
Post by Farshad
I noticed that the IWURLWindow doesnt work in 9.0.32. It simply hangs
in the browser forever and nothing is displayed. Is anyone else
experiencing this?
It was fixed and should be working in IW 9.0.36+
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-18 16:56:18 UTC
Post by Colin Kelly
...as a developer, my commercial reputatioin lives and dies on my ability to
fix problems in applications that I have developed for paying customers. bug
fixes like the one stated should be FREE.
First, I've rejoined Atozed as of July 1. I'm changing a lot of things.

But since the very beginning back in 2002 or so, we cant offer free updates
on every version. If we do we have several problems:

1) Users will demand fixes to every version. i.e, 9 ix the current version.
But if a user is on 8, and there is a bug they will demand a fix to 8., and
7, and 6...

2) If we go to a version model - then users will complain each time we
chagne a major version and accuse us of changing version numbers just to get
more revenue from them.

The subscription model is designed to even budgets out, and encourage/allow
everyone to use the latest version. Renewals when renewed before or within
30 days after are at about a 45% discount. After that they are at about 25%

You can always download the latest version as a trial and see if it fixes
your bug before renewing.

Check the IW blog for more details, but currently we are working on 10,
which should be 100% interface compatible we hope with 9. Just since July 1
we've fixed a lot of back logged bugs and they will be included in 10. If we
didnt have subcription model, then users of 9 would be screaming they
couldnt get the fixes and maintaining 9 and 10 would be very wasteful of
Post by Colin Kelly
Bug fixes and software updates are so long in coming from AtoZed that a
years subscription is never enough, it's actually cheaper in the long run to
rebuy your IW subscription only when significant upgrades are available.
subscription renewals can be discounted upto 42%. buying a *NEW*
subscription every 2 or 3 years works out significantly cheaper, IMHO.
That's certainly an option. However I think you'll see now that I'm back,
things will improve.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!
Colin Kelly
2008-07-19 10:40:05 UTC
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
First, I've rejoined Atozed as of July 1. I'm changing a lot of things.
Great to see you back Chad, this is great news for IW.
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
1) Users will demand fixes to every version. i.e, 9 ix the current
version. But if a user is on 8, and there is a bug they will demand a fix
to 8., and 7, and 6...
Agreed, there has to be a cut off point, and that cut off point IMO should
be with the current available version.
Version 9 as it is today is the latest commercially available IW, when IW10
is available then bug fixes for 9 would cease so long as IW9 is still fit
for use.
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2) If we go to a version model - then users will complain each time we
chagne a major version and accuse us of changing version numbers just to
get more revenue from them.
I think you have to give more credit to your customers; we are, afterall,
developers ourselves, and I think we would be able to spot if the changes in
the product would warrent a major version jump, or if it was just another
way to line A2Z's pockets....
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
The subscription model is designed to even budgets out, and
encourage/allow everyone to use the latest version. Renewals when renewed
before or within 30 days after are at about a 45% discount. After that
they are at about 25% discount.
You can always download the latest version as a trial and see if it fixes
your bug before renewing.
In theory thats what I would do, however, because the IW installer generally
screws up my delphi installation and I have to then reload from scratch
including my TMS, Arcana and other third party components etc. moving
versions with IW is normally a day's process for me so is not practical..
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Post by Colin Kelly
Bug fixes and software updates are so long in coming from AtoZed that a
years subscription is never enough, it's actually cheaper in the long run to
rebuy your IW subscription only when significant upgrades are available.
subscription renewals can be discounted upto 42%. buying a *NEW*
subscription every 2 or 3 years works out significantly cheaper, IMHO.
That's certainly an option. However I think you'll see now that I'm back,
things will improve.
This last sentence does give me some hope and does inspire me to not jump
ship just yet...

Thanks for your response Chad, as I said earlier, great to see you back....
Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
2008-07-22 17:25:26 UTC
Post by Colin Kelly
Great to see you back Chad, this is great news for IW.
Thanks. Aside from Tiburon, I'm spending most of my time in the IntraWeb
priority groups, but I scan these ones as well.
Post by Colin Kelly
Agreed, there has to be a cut off point, and that cut off point IMO should
be with the current available version.
Version 9 as it is today is the latest commercially available IW, when
IW10 is available then bug fixes for 9 would cease so long as IW9 is still
fit for use.
We generally do that. We only release fixes for the current version except
in a few cases. However what the time based subscription provides for people
is generally free upgrades between major versions. Else when we went to 10,
9 users would scream their bugs weren't all fixed and we'd have to maintain
9 and 10.
Post by Colin Kelly
I think you have to give more credit to your customers; we are, afterall,
developers ourselves, and I think we would be able to spot if the changes
in the product would warrent a major version jump, or if it was just
another way to line A2Z's pockets....
Been there done that - people scream... and in the end it impedes progress.
Post by Colin Kelly
In theory thats what I would do, however, because the IW installer
generally screws up my delphi installation and I have to then reload from
scratch including my TMS, Arcana and other third party components etc.
moving versions with IW is normally a day's process for me so is not
I'm hoping that we'll be able to smooth this out as well. The current
installs have some issues, especially with C++ (see IntraWeb blog for
details and work arounds)
Post by Colin Kelly
Post by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
That's certainly an option. However I think you'll see now that I'm back,
things will improve.
This last sentence does give me some hope and does inspire me to not jump
ship just yet...
Thanks for your response Chad, as I said earlier, great to see you back....
Thanks. I hope you'll like the improvements coming.
Keep up to date - read the IntraWeb blog!